Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back to basic..

Well guys..what i really feel why we lost in the match is bcoz we lacking in our basic in field soccer..In a team, there are lots of people and naturally each of us have our strength and weakness..But did we ever come to think did we REALLY prepare and condition ourselves for the match? Did we have regular field training session? Are we brushing up on our weaknesses and maintaining our strength thru regular field training? Its true that we have SS sessions on quite a regular basis but ultimately SS and Field Soccer are of different components..Look at those Di Zhong Hai players playing against us..They are not much fitter than us but they are playing smart on the field..No doubt stamina is important too but the main key we lacking in is that we need to play smart on the field..not like those young kids style of playing..chiong n much can 1 chiong?

I believe in FFU..there are some that are better in soccer and some are weaker in soccer..but i feel that in order for a team to realli function as a team those stronger players shud help to give advice and help those weaker one to become stronger and a better player.. Its only when all of us can align ourselves together..then we can shine better as a team.. Just like studying for an exam..Studying in groups help alot as if one do not understand the others can help to explain and thus we learn together.. Going for regular lessons and revising constantly are like regular field trainings for us.. U all think bo go class bo revise bo study ...end of the year u take exam u can score 1st class honors results ah? Once in a while one might heng heng scrape thru the exam and score well..But again..wat are the chances?! Consistency is the thing we need to look into if we really wan to play well as a team..and we learn to build trust in every member in FFU.. Playing without trust in a team is totally crap..On the field, there are only 11 of us..if one dun trust anyone from the team aint we like playing with lesser people?

Another point to add, i feel that being part of a team..its rather quite irresponsible to leave half way thru a match..I guess no matter how piss off u can be with the team one shud not just walk out half way.. During the match, no doubt emotions will run in but i think we shud keep our cool and play on..If realli buay tahan take a break and cool urself down ya..

I hope everyone who is reading this take it from a objective and positive point of view..Not directing at anyone fault but i am just giving from a TEAM view...And if we really want to commit ourselves to field soccer..maybe alternate weeks of SS and Field Soccer will be good..and maybe some jogging sessions too...Well it all voice down to every single one in FFU for the team commitment..

" Its easy to talk and talk..But its always HARDER to put words into ACTIONS"

a N t

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